The PayXpress+ Calculator is a great way to add up the items in your customer’s order so that you can calculate their total bill. The best part about the Calculator is that it flows seamlessly into the payment screen.
Enabling the Calculator
To activate the Calculator, turn it on in the Settings menu:
To disable the Calculator, deactivate via the same switch:
How to use the Calculator
Using the Calculator is optional when accepting a payment, but it is really useful if you have to do some math to tally up the total bill.
To use the Calculator to prepare a payment, tap “Calculator”, and enter in your expression. The calculation is done in real time. Then tap “Validate” to charge the customer that amount:
Notice that if Tips are enabled, then naturally, the payment screen will appear at the very end:
Calculator features
Now that you know how to use the Calculator when accepting a payment, let’s look at some of the finer controls and features within it.
Number pad layout
The Calculator has two layouts. You can switch back and forth between layouts via the button shown below:
Notice that the layout on the left includes a decimal “.” button, while the layout on the right does not. As seen in this short video clip, the presence of this button affects the behavior of the Calculator:
The selected layout will be kept, even after restarting your POS device.
Editable expressions
It is possible to edit your calculation, right on screen! Just tap on the expression to make a change anywhere on the line, and make your changes:
Remember that your math expression is calculated in real time: There is no Equals “=” button.
Tips and tricks
Here are a couple of interesting facts about your PayXpress+ Calculator, plus a couple of tips for advanced use:
To repeat, there is no Equals “=” button. The result is calculated in real time. Only tap “Validate” when ready to charge the customer that amount!
As this is a payment device, the result of your calculation is always rounded to two decimals:
When the result is semi-transparent (gray), it means that the currently entered expression cannot be calculated. The last successful result is displayed instead:
There are no AC (All Clear) or CE (Clear Entry) buttons. To clear all the current input, tap and hold the Backspace button for about 1 second:
The Percent (%) button means percentage of the number to the left of the operator. For example, "300.00 - 10.00%" means "300.00 - 30.00" because 10% of 300 is 30.