The Signature and Tips options in PayXpress Alternative Payments allow you to ask for a signature from your shoppers, if desired, and also enable you to receive Tips from your shoppers by showing these two screens. These features can be turned on (they are off by default) via the Signature & Tips settings:
The “Ask for signature” option requires the customer to digitally sign your POS or MPOS before processing the payment:
The “Ask for customer information” option displays a list of information for the customer to fill in during payment:
You can also tap “PAY” to skip this step, as it is OPTIONAL for the customer to fill in his or her information.
The “Enable tips” option allows the shopper to choose a tip (a percentage), which will be added to their bill:
In this example, a 15% tip is selected by default. Note that you can control the “Default tip percentage” that is selected when displaying the screen.